Day 1 in Tokyo, Japan
I know it's only been a YEAR since we went to Japan, but hey, I still have photos to share!
Making Soba Noodles in Japan
The train stations in Japan are spectacular. Tokyo's public transit system is incredible, but I was blown away by just how immaculate and huge each major station really is.
Visiting a Cat Café in Tokyo
Okay, so if you know me at all, you probably know that I'm a cat person. Big time.
Tsukiji Fish Market
So, because of Adam's busy work schedule, he had to leave Japan a day earlier than I did. When he met me in Japan at the beginning of the week, he had just come from a two-week work trip in China.
Making Friends in Yoyogi Park
Oh, hi! I'm on spring break, so that means I have a life again for about a week! I think I spent the first day of my break pretty well.
Tattoo-Friendly Onsen in Nagano, Japan
Remember when I mentioned how Adam and I did almost zero planning for this trip? Well, another great example of that mistake was assuming we wouldn't have any trouble finding a tattoo-friendly onsen…
Snow Monkey Park in Yamanouchi, Japan
It’s Sunday and I have some downtime, so I'm so excited to finally share some of my favorite photos from Japan!