Hawaii Family Vacation 2023

In the fall of 2023, we took a vacation with Adam's family to Hawaii and stayed in a beautiful condo right on Waikiki Beach. Adam and I had been to Oahu once before, but as you might recall, that vacation was a bit... wet. (Visiting in December was maybe not the best idea, haha.)
This time, we took full advantage of the sunshine and relaxed on the beach and at the pool as often as we could. Lily and her cousin Elliott loved it! It was great getting to see them bond and spend some quality time together. That's one of the main reasons we decided to move back to Washington after all, so we could be closer to family as Lily grows up. I was really close with my cousin as a kid since we were only two years apart in age, so I'm hoping as the two of them get older, they'll form a similar friendship.

It was nice staying in such a walkable spot. We usually went for morning strolls (and I got out for a run a handful of times) before it got too hot. Lily loved playing with the birds in the nearby park.
My mother-in-law bought Lily and her cousin matching Hawaiian outfits, so one morning, we went down to the beach and took some photos of them - they looked so cute!
It was fun having everyone under one roof for the week. Lots of horseplay, that's for sure! Two very wild toddlers had a blast jumping on the couch and off the beds in every room.

This was the view over the kitchen sink! Always nice to have something to look at while doing dishes.

Here are some more snapshots I took from the patio of our condo. It really was in the most beautiful location! I loved sitting out there, watching all of the tourists and turtles swimming by.

We treated Jeff and Pattie to a fancy dinner on our last night to thank them for such a fun vacation. Of course, I had to snap a few photos of them before they left! :)This was our first time taking a big family trip together, and I already can't wait for our next adventure!

As always, thanks for reading. xo