Seattle Corgi Parade 2016
Ahhhh, it's my favorite day of the year! Corgi parade day! The annual, "A Very Corgi Halloween" parade (yes, this is a real thing!) took place earlier today in Seattle over at Green Lake. Just like last year, the weather was rainy and cold, but the Corgis didn't mind one bit. :)

It was raining pretty hard at first, so taking pictures was a bit of a struggle. The corgis would come flying over to say hello and bump their wet noses on the lens, haha (as you can see in the before and after photos below). I loved it. They were all so excited!!

A lot of people were also wearing costumes this year which was so great! At first, I thought the Corgi above was a muffin, but then I realized, "OH! Duh, cookie and Cookie Monster!" after seeing the owner's costume. Hahah. So good.

I caught these two Corgis telling secrets during the parade! Ha, whatever he said must have been pretty funny... ;) How cute is this Corgi dressed up as Sherlock Holmes?

The parade was just as adorable as I had hoped it would be. If you missed the parade last year, check out my post here! Corgis are too sweet. :) Thanks for bringing your Corgis out to play this morning, Seattle! I'm already looking forward to next year!