Snowshoeing in Snoqualmie
Over the weekend, we went on a family snowshoe adventure in Snoqualmie. The weather wasn't too cold, the sky was clear(ish), and we only upset one nordic skier!

I'm still not quite used to driving to the mountains in order to see snow. If that was the only way I knew snow, I'd probably like it, too. It's crazy how quickly the scenery changes here with just a 40-minute drive. At the end of the day, you can just jump back in your car and drive away from it all! No shoveling, snowblowing, digging your car out for 30 minutes... *sigh* How nice. (Sorry, dad.)

We walked slow and steady for a few hours, stopping occasionally to snack, drink, adjust backpack straps, take a layer off, put a layer on, buckle this, tighten that...

I love this photo. We look like we're promoting our new album (and I'm the Justin Timberlake of the group). It drops early 2017, y'all!

After walking for six miles, we finished the day enjoying food at The Commonwealth. Grilled cheese & tomato soup for me! That's always the perfect combo after playing out in the snow all day. :) Thanks for reading! xo