Surprise Birthday Trip to Disneyland!
Adam is a great secret-keeper. He is a master planner, the ultimate surprise trip-booker, and he spoils me rotten, all the time. I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing guy, but I am not complaining! He's the best, and I should have known that for my 30th birthday this year, he was cooking up something extra special.You might remember me talking about this in my proposal post, but we take a lot of weekend trips. I think since the whole wedding planning thing has started, our weekend trips have been happening less and less, but now that the weather is starting to warm up again, I think those trips will be picking up speed again soon. So when Adam told me a while back that he was taking me somewhere for my birthday weekend, I had a few places in mind. Places we typically go for the weekend. Canada? Oregon? Washington? It had to be somewhere close and driveable if we were only heading off for the weekend... Right? He had mentioned my birthday weekend a handful of times over the past couple of months, but since I sort of have an anxiety problem, I just told myself it was no big deal and that he was definitely not planning a huge surprise party. He was simply hyping it up just to keep me on my toes.So on Thursday evening before my birthday weekend, he told me to pack. "Bring normal clothes," is what he said. He also told me to bring a swimsuit and comfortable walking shoes. Hmm, okay... Those two things together made me think we were going on a hike somewhere, maybe through a hot springs area, where we would stop and put our swimsuits on to take a dip in the springs? I mean, that sounds like something I'd enjoy, and it's something we've talked about doing before.So on Thursday night, I had convinced myself that we were going to Canada on a hot springs adventure. So, what did I pack? Normal clothes, like he said. Leggings, sweaters, comfy socks...On Friday, I was making myself sick at work. I was so nervous about what the weekend had in store. I blabbed on to my boss and coworker all day, trying to come up with different places he might be taking me. The plan was to pick Adam up after work on Friday, and then we'd head off for the weekend. By the time I got to Adam's office Friday afternoon, I was in agony. I was sick to my stomach and so very nervous about what he had planned. (Again, as I mentioned, I have an anxiety thing.)So finally he comes to the car and we start driving south. He said we needed to drop our house keys off with his brother so he could check on our pets while we were away. So as we're driving, I start begging him to tell me what's going on. "Please just tell me the destination... Please. I can't take it." So that's when he said, "Okay... Well, we're going to the airport..." And I said, "NO! No, we're not! You're lying!"But he wasn't lying! After I found out we were going to the airport, it was just one surprise after another after another. I got it out of him that we were going to California (!!!) and then he told me we were going to LA (!!!). I then found out that we actually weren't coming home on Sunday. Sneaky Adam had contacted my boss months ago to ask if I could have Monday off. What! So we were actually on a three-day surprise birthday weekend. I was ecstatic. I still wasn't exactly sure what we would be doing in LA, but when we were on the plane, I got it out of him. He kept saying, "Do you really want to know??" And then he pulled up the Disneyland app on his phone! I squealed. NO. WAY. And then I found out our friends were meeting us there! Max and Sarah moved to San Diego last year and we miss them so much. I was so excited to see them again!! GP moved to California a while ago, too, and even though Mirela still lives in Seattle, she'll also be moving to California in a few short weeks, so the fact that they were coming also made me SO happy!After we arrived in LA late Friday night, we immediately had to find a Target because like I mentioned above, I only packed sweaters and leggings! I was able to find a little black romper that I wore all weekend, though. It worked out!Something else I mentioned in that proposal post is how very oblivious I am. I am the most oblivious person on the planet. How did they plan all of this without me knowing!? I also found out that Adam had a Facebook group going with them where they were planning it all. ADAM started a FACEBOOK group?? Adam hates social media! Sneaky...So, yes, it was an incredible weekend and thinking back on it now makes me realize how very lucky I am to have such great friends in my life. Adam is too good to me. I sure do love him. *cue waterworks*Okay, so, here are some photos from Disneyland!!! I had never been before, so I was pretty excited. Luckily Sarah really knows how to work the fast pass thing, so she was our ringleader for the day and it worked out so well! The longest we ever had to wait in a line was maybe 25 minutes. We even got to ride some things twice!

We all had so much fun! Turning 30 with my besties in the warm California sun at the happiest place on Earth was so perfect. It was all I could have hoped for. As always, thanks for reading! xo