Snow Monkey Park in Yamanouchi, Japan
Japan Amanda Japan Amanda

Snow Monkey Park in Yamanouchi, Japan

Well, as usual, it's been almost a month since my last blog post... Life has been crazy with school and work and moving and everything in between, but it's Sunday and I have some downtime, so I'm so excited to finally share some of my favorite photos from Japan!

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Five Random Facts:

  • I've been a vegetarian for over half my life. šŸŒ±

  • I have a bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Cultural Studies.

  • Rilo Kiley is my all-time favorite band.

  • I hate bananas! šŸ˜

  • My dream travel destination is Antarctica.

About Me:

Hi, Iā€™m Amanda and Little Tranquility is a place where I share bits and pieces of my life as a traveler, photographer, and toddler mom living on Bainbridge Island, Washington.

In my free time, I enjoy running, baking, brushing up on my Mandarin, and trying to pet every cat I see. Thanks for stopping by!