Little Tranquility // Qatar
The Souq Waqif in Doha, Qatar
About five years ago, I was given the opportunity to visit Doha, Qatar. To this day, it is still one of the most unique and beautiful places I've ever been. The people were so kind, the food was beyond delicious, and the sights and smells of the souq waqif are still fresh as ever in my memory.
Little Tranquility // Qatar
Memories from Doha
Ah, Doha. When I think about this place, even five years later, I'm filled with mixed emotions. I guess that's fair since oddly enough, Qatar is a place I was ready to call home. I packed up and left my life in DC in order to experience bigger and better things abroad... Or so I thought at the time.
Little Tranquility // Qatar
The Sand Dunes of Qatar
During my stay in Qatar, I was able to experience a lot of firsts. I cozied up to camels, swam in the Persian/Arabian Gulf, climbed the stairs of the oldest mosque in the country, dined in some of the fanciest spots in Doha, and my personal favorite: sat up front during a crazy dune bashing adventure in the Arabian Desert; one of the scariest and most exhilarating things I've ever done.