The Northern Lights from Bainbridge Island
Adam and I were lucky enough to see the northern lights from our own front yard over the weekend.
Bainbridge Island Pumpkin Walk
Hello, world! It looks like my last post on the blog was almost a year ago... oh wow, whoops! I guess we've been pretty busy.
Cozy Cabin in Leavenworth, Washington
For my friend Max's birthday this year, we rented a cabin and spent the weekend with our climbing crew in Leavenworth, WA.
North Cascades National Park
Ohhh, Diablo Lake. You are a thing of beauty. Wowwwie. So majestic... So peaceful... So blue.
Snowshoeing in Snoqualmie, Washington
Over the weekend, we went on a family snowshoe adventure in Snoqualmie, Washington.
Camping on the Washington Coast
One of my best friends from back home came to visit me last week! We explored almost every inch of Seattle and went camping on the coast.
Beacon Rock in Vancouver, Washington
On our way home from camping in Oregon this past weekend, we stopped at Beacon Rock in Vancouver, Washington .
Rock Climbing in Vantage, Washington
On our way home from camping in Oregon this past weekend, we stopped at Beacon Rock in Vancouver, Washington.
Deception Pass
It's my last weekend in the states for a while, so to make the most of it, Adam and I went on a mini adventure to the North Cascades.
Lopez Island, Washington
This past week, my friend Anna (Slightly Astray) came to visit us in Seattle. It was so nice to see her again (we haven't seen each other since China!).
Christmas Eve at Crystal Mountain
So, I'm not a skier, and I've learned that this isn't a great way to start a conversation with anyone who lives in Washington.
Christmas Tree Cutting
At the beginning of December, Adam and I met up with the family in North Bend to find some Christmas trees.
Sailing on Lake Washington
Adam's parents bought a sailboat recently, so the four of us took it out on Lake Washington a few weeks ago to try it out.
UW Cherry Blossoms 2015
The day before Adam left for China last week, we took a stroll around the UW campus to see the Cherry blossoms.
The Palm Room
A few weeks ago, I visited the Ballard Farmers Market with my future sister-in-law Kristen and checked out the cute shops surrounding the market.
UW Cherry Blossoms 2017
Seattleites wait each year for the cherry blossoms to finally bless us with their prettiness.
Family in Seattle
I feel like summer just started and now it's already over somehow... What is happening?? WHAT YEAR IS IT?!
4 Best Day Trips From Seattle
I'm partnering with Puget Sound Moving today to talk about some amazing day trips from Seattle you should consider if you find yourself in the area.
Seattle Women's March
Yesterday, I joined over 120,000 people in Seattle for the Women's March. It was exhilarating to march beside so many incredible people in our city.
Seattle Corgi Parade 2015
There was a "Very Corgi Halloween Parade" this morning in Seattle and I think it's the best thing I've ever seen happen here.
Seattle Corgi Parade 2016
Ahhh, it's my favorite day of the year! Corgi parade day! The annual, "A Very Corgi Halloween" parade (yes, this is a real thing!) took place earlier.
Seattle Corgi Parade 2017
Every year, hundreds of corgi owners in the Seattle area dress up their pups and walk them around the Green Lake loop.
Chinese New Year
There was a Chinese New Year celebration in Seattle yesterday, right in the heart of the International District.
NW Chocolate Festival
This year, I was a guest blogger at the NW Chocolate Festival. It was cold and blustery in Seattle, the perfect day to eat chocolate indoors.
Pumpkin Patch
I think I finally like fall. I finally understand the hype. I've always been very anti-fall because when I lived in Wisconsin, fall felt like a bully.
One Weekend in Seattle
Okay, so I often tell people I'm a Seattle blogger, but the truth is that I rarely ever blog about Seattle. Pfft.
Gilmore Girls in Seattle
A few days ago, I found out that a pop-up Luke's Diner was coming to Seattle and I could barely contain my excitement.
Easter With Friends
A group of our friends got together over the weekend to enjoy a delicious Easter brunch and dye some eggs.
On Life and Being a 29-Year-Old Graduate
Well, it's been 16 months since my last post, and as of yesterday, I'm now a college graduate. Woo hoo!
Cama Beach Cabins on Camano Island
I know I've mentioned this before, but there are so many great places to explore in the Seattle area.
Snowshoeing at Skyline Lake
The four-day Thanksgiving break was so wonderful, wasn't it? I got to meet some of Adam's extended family for the first time.
Snowshoeing in Alpental, Washington
Adam and I drove to Alpental on Saturday for a snowshoe adventure. It was my first time snowshoeing and I really enjoyed it!